Exchange Policy

  • *Note: Please apply for Exchnage after 8-12 hours after the order is actually delivered.
  • We don't return the Product we only do Size Exchange of the same Product.
  • We will not Exchange the order Product with some other Product.
  • Please make sure that you raise an exchange request within 7 days of the product delivery.

Click here to submit an exchange or a return Exchange Form

To raise an exchange request, please follow the instructions below:
  • Step 1: Please fill the above form. You will get a confirmation mail for same.
  • Step 2: We will send someone to pick up the product from you. Please make sure that the product is unused with all tags intact. Do keep the pick up slip safely with you so that we can coordinate with our delivery partners on your product. You have to pay Rs 149 for exchange process and size difference amount if required.
  • Step 3: Once we receive your product at the warehouse and conduct a quality check, we will offer you a size exchange of the same product, in accordance with our policy. Exchange takes 15/18 working days to complete.

  • Note that in case the product for exchange is unavailable, we will offer you store credit and keep you posted on when the item is back in stock. *Our Retail and Customer Delight representatives are extremely qualified to support you in picking the right size for your pet, so please do reach out to them for a size recommendation before you make your purchase. **Note Exchange will cost Rs 149**